I started out making a course on implementing tiles into a game, hoping to show people how to use the fastest collision system in Gamemaker. I also wanted to show a simple method of both controlling your character, and setting up your animations. I ended up with a complete course that shows you how to build an entire game from scratch. Controllable player, enemies, tiles, sounds, lighting, special effects, title pages, end screen and everything in between.

People really enjoyed the course, and I’m absolutely humbled, yet honoured to know many found this a stepping stone to releasing their own games. Gamemaker is always evolving, and I keep the content up to date by editing videos, and adding helpful hints, which cater for these changes. I’m also very active on the Q&A section, answering questions daily, and ensuring no one is stuck within the course.
The content is hosted on Udemy, and if you are unsure if this course is for you, they offer a 30 day money back guarantee, so there is nothing to lose by enrolling and trying it out.
To view the course content, and to get a large discount on the regular price, use either the coupon code or referral below. Udemy prices can fluctuate, so if they are the same price, just use the bottom link.
If the coupon does not get applied paste the code MAR_25 into the code section and click Apply.
In life time is short, so the time to start making your dream come true is not tomorrow, it’s today! As a wise man once said …

Hope to see you in the course,
Where is the discount code?
You should be able to use the link in the post, which has the coupon code at the end. I’ve just updated the link as it sometimes expires, but it should work if you click it.
I would like to learn about tile-based collision detection and lighting techniques for top-down game development. This lecture is based on platforms, but would that be okay?
You could apply the skills you learn in this course to top down development as well.
Hey Peter,
I took this course many years ago. I’ve just started back up doing a game I began right after I took your course. Unfortunately I got the GameMaker Beta and somehow I managed to corrupt the original Castle Raider files. Is there anywhere I could download the original? I actually abandoned my game because I couldn’t get projectile arcs to curve realistically. If by any chance you were doing a course on calcing trajectories I’d be pretty interested. Hope you remember me, I’m Joe from Arizona.
Hey Joe! Good to have you back 🙂
Over on the Udemy site you can still download the original Castle Raider files from the final lecture.
I’ve done motion prediction of arrows using this resource https://www.gmlscripts.com/script/motion_predict, and created arrows in general with just basic hsp, vsp and grav variables. They will fall and move as per normal physics using just those basic values if you apply them to x and y per step. Maybe ask over on the Discord if you need more help, as it’s easier to post media. https://slyddar.com/2022/04/26/discord-server/