Black Friday is here and it’s a great time to start learning how to create a game using Gamemaker. Both of my highly rated Udemy courses are on sale at the moment, so you can use the following codes to start learning how to make an enjoyable platform game and begin your dream towards being a game developer.
Note that both of these courses also offer a 30 day money back guarantee, so it’s risk free to purchase and if it’s not what you had hoped, just get your money back within the 30 day period.
GML Visual Course

GML Code course

I am looking to learn GameMaker to create my own jRPG game in a pixel art style. Although I am not familiar with GameMaker yet, I have experience with programming languages such as Java and JavaScript, which I believe will help me pick up the platform more quickly.
Could you kindly recommend which course would be the best fit for me, given my background and my goal to develop a jRPG game Your First Game in Gamemaker or How to Make Tile Based Platform Games in Gamemaker
? I would appreciate any guidance or suggestions you may have.
Hey there!
Well if you already have experience in coding, then the GML “How to Make Tile Based Platform Games in Gamemaker?” course will be the most beneficial to you. It teaches the basics of Gamemaker’s GML code, but also teaches many good practice techniques to set out your games for future projects.
The other course is a Visual course, which means it uses draggable blocks to build up the code, which some people just prefer to use.
Good luck with it!
Hi Slyddar,
Will you be offering a sale on your tile based moving platform? I have your gamemaker course, which is fantastic, and I’d like to see how to create moving platforms.
Hey Del!
I’ve included a few assets in the sale too, you can find them here –
Thanks for the support!